
Why Compost?

Compost is the way soil regenerates itself. By keeping food scraps out of the landfill, we are healing our soil by infusing it with nutrients, and thereby healing ourselves and our planet. Compost is especially valuable for urban gardens, where it actually helps decontaminate the soil from toxins like lead and mercury, and nourishes our most vulnerable city residents who often live in neighborhoods that are food deserts. Since organics account for as much as 30% of landfill waste, by keeping organics out of the landfill, we help meet our waste diversion goals. Also when we keep food scraps out of the landfill, we prevent the production of methane, a very potent greenhouse gas that contributes greatly to global warming.

What Is Compost?

Compost is a valuable, natural fertilizer for soil that is produced when you mix food scraps, yard trimmings and other "greens", with "browns" like dead leaves, woodchips and straw. The "greens" add nitrogen and the "browns" add carbon. Mixed together in a bin or pile, they decompose with the help of millions of friendly microscopic organisms (bacteria and fungi). The final rich, brown, crumbly product contains various minerals and micronutrients in a form that's easy for plants to access. Because it's so valuable for soil and plant health, compost is called "black gold."

What Goes in Your Compost?

YES: All Fruit and veggie scraps, coffee grounds and filters, crushed egg shells, avocado pits, wooden sticks, leaves and lawn trimming, unbleached napkins and paper towels. (Remove plastic stickers from fruit.)

NO: pet waste/litter, cooking oil, plastics of any kind, compostable cups/plates/utensils, meat, fish, dairy, diseased plants, rubber bands.

Additional Videos:

Turn trash into treasure, or at least good quality fertilize -

Composting 101 website and video how to choose a bin -