Zero Waste Capital District is committed to supporting all areas of our community, including our local restaurants. There are many ways that restaurants can support sustainability in their operations. 

Green Restaurant Association - An international nonprofit organization that provides resources to restaurants to green their operations. 

Green America - Works to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society through consumer education and mobilization, a Green Business Network, and the Center for Sustainability Solutions. 

Green Guide Booklet for Restaurants - A resource from the Southern California Gas Company, which includes several tips and resources from sustainable purchasing, water efficiency, reusable ware, and more. 

Beyond Plastics Publications - Beyond Plastics has many resources for food service, including guides on how to reduce single-use plastic. 

CET Rethink Food Waste NY - Includes many resources for business to reduce waste and improve sustainable practices. 

10 Restaurant Sustainability Practices You Can Implement Immediately - Check out this helpful article from!