ZERO WASTE Capital District Content
Where to Recycle Items
This is a great collection of recycling options put together by one of our member organizations - Capital Region Creation Care Coalition (CRICCC)...Where to Recycle Items
New Life for Old Things
Are you wondering how to donate or recycle a certain item? Check out this guide prepared by one of our community members and their daughter...New Life for Old Things
Are you a wishful recycler?
This presentation was created for 2019's Earth Day event - Down To Earth: Practical Actions You Can Take To Heal Our Planet...Are you a wishful recycler?
Zero Waste Event Planning
Tips for creating a zero waste event and ways Zero Waste CD can help you...Zero Waste Event Planning
Zero Waste Signs
Use these signs to create your own zero-waste station... Zero Waste Signs
Articles of Interest
My Tireless Quest for a Tubeless Wipe by Emily Flitter
I was unusually devoted to an eco-friendly brand of toilet paper. When it disappeared from the market, I had to know why...
Planet Plastic
How Big Oil and Big Soda kept a global environmental calamity a secret for decades...
NY Legal Fact Sheet for Donating Food
Federal and state laws provide strong liability protections for businesses (including farms) and nonprofits that provide or receive donated food.
Additional Sites with Great Information
Zero Waste Europe
Zero Waste Europe has similar roots to Zero Waste CD and began as organizations started collaborating on a voluntary basis organizing events and coming together to strategist and plan for a zero waste future...
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
This page has some great tips for reducing food waste at home...
Earth 911
Earth 911 is not just a website - its an active forum of constructive conversations about reducing our impact on the planet and its atmosphere. There's also a podcast and one of North America's most extensive recycling databases....Earth 911 Home Page & Recycling Database
Zero Waste Home
Check out this site for content debunking misconceptions that waste-free living is depriving, time consuming and costly. Zero Waste Home offers a book, talks and a free bulk finder to easily find package-free shopping wherever you go...
Going Zero Waste
This blog has great content for Zero Waste beginners and presents zero waste challenges for adults and kids...
Trash is For Tossers
Package Free Shop owner, Lauren Singer, breaks zero waste down for you on this site and through her youtube channel. She offers lots of easy swaps and DIY alternatives...